Everyone loves to use a little expressive language every now and then. By expressive, I mean bad language, swearing or as my mother would call it, “foul language.” It certainly does add some texture to a conversation. I mean what grabs you more? “Could you possibly keep quiet for five minutes, please” or “Shut your fucking pie hole you doos.”
Now obviously there is a time and place for everything. I’m not about to walk into my relatives’ house and start swearing but nothing grinds my bones more than those pampas arses who look down at you when you swear, because after they have a couple drinks, no word that comes out of their mouths is present in the English Dictionary. Seriously you stupid, stupid, hypocrite if you remembered half the things that you did while you were drunk then you probably wouldn’t be complaining about everyone swearing. You would be hiding under a rock somewhere in shame.
I really don’t think that swearing defines who you are as a person. I know many successful people who swear like troopers. They are colorful and exciting. I’m not saying it’s the language they use that makes them that way, but instead the fact that they are not afraid to hold back. If you are able to live life and not vent your frustrations verbally then you are probably perfect and props to you. My advice- get a life!
Whoever said that swearing is a sign of evil in one’s heart has never met a Vega student- a bunch of amazing people with dreams and goals that would stretch from Earth to Mars and back again. Although we spent 3 years together polishing our talents and preparing for the big bad world, the majority of the words that came out of our mouths are the kind of words that are generally “beeped” out on TV for the sake of children and the more conservative type (blah.) Never before have I met a group of people with so much love in their hearts and minds.
To all the “fuckers” and “shitters” of this world- keep it up. Your expression and moments of vulnerability are inspiring and as close to the truth as you could get.
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