I recently turned 24 and with it came the odd comment that suggested I’m “approaching the hill.” Now I don’t know about you, but when someone tells me that I’m getting old, I take great offense! So when I received these sny, sny comments, I shrugged them off and laughed. I am at the end of the day only 24- that’s hardly old, right? Well, did I have a bit of a wake- up call this weekend.
Nothing screams “you’re maturing in life” more than a weekend at Spring Break. I don’t know quite what I was expecting because BOY OH BOY, did I feel like a granny. WTF!
I found myself waking up at 02:30 (very parched and slightly hung over I might add) to teenagers being teenagers in the corridors of the hotel. Now normally I would be one of those loud mouth, badasses, waking everyone up and not caring about what those elder than ourselves thought. This time I found myself being one of the elderly with my head sticking out of the door of the hotel, asking the stumbling, drunken kids as politely as possible to refrain from acting like two year olds. The problem is, as I was walking towards the door I thought “what are you doing? Stop walking, you are behaving like a 60 year old.” But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I still ended up doing it (she says as she blushed furiously!)
As if that is not bad enough, whilst walking to breakfast at 09:00 in the morning, (WTF?) some little squirt who still happened to be drinking, called me a tannie! A tannie??
I seem to be having some sort of quarter life crisis. If anyone feels like boosting my confidence, please feel free. Otherwise I love chocolate and shopping for bags!
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